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A dog still watching over its owner in Iceland. A futile task indeed. PIC rwhgould

A dog still watching over its owner in Iceland. A futile task indeed. PIC rwhgould

O ne of the more annoying aspects of traveling can be all kinds of pests, insects or animals that you may chance upon or they chance upon you while enjoying the good life abroad. No matter where you go.

In New York you have rats and bed bugs galore. In Bolivia snakes and spiders. In Indonesia lizards the size of Empire State. In Russia a wood insect capable of drilling a hole into your brain in minutes. The brown bears of Sweden are seldom people-friendly and even in extremely nice Faeroe Islands you can be swarmed by mosquitos in minutes.

Amazingly, Iceland is probably one of a handful of countries left where the very worst you can come up against in nature is cats and dogs.

Sure, we have small spiders, honeybees, very annoying midges en mass at most larger lakes and even a couple of wasps. But all these are easy to avoid and tourists should not worry one tiny bit. We also have foxes and reindeer but these are more cuddly than threatening.

That leaves cats and dogs as the very worst you´ll come against here.