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Playing golf at Nesklubbur golf club is far from being easy. Bad drivers have to deal with angry birds. PIC Nesklubburinn

I n some exotic places in the world you can stumble upon wild animals like alligators or elephants while playing golf. On a certain golf course in Iceland you can also come under attack from a wild animal. But only if you slice or draw too heavily.

There are those who proclaim that there is no better golf teacher in the world than the groups of the arctic tern seabird that makes the golf course at Seltjarnarnes town, an outskirt of Reykjavik, its home during summertime.

The birds arrive in the spring to lay their eggs and many make Seltjarnarnes golf course its preferred place to grow a family. However, they are smart enough only to make nests in the rough around the course and not on the course itself.

But, as anyone with knowledge can attest to, these birds are aggressive as hell while breeding and raising chicks. Which brings us to the slice stuff. Anyone not hitting his drive pretty perfect on this nine-hole course will have to face vicious aerial attacks as soon as the first step is taken into the rough. We are not talking life-threatening attacks but in extreme cases they do dive down on your head and when a flock of them does so seconds apart you can suffer quite heavily.

For non golfers this is excellent theater in late summer and it so happens that around the Seltjarnarnes golf course, Nesklubburinn, there is a nice walking and biking path. Take your seat and laugh whilst lesser skilled golfers make the mistake of bothering the birds. The movie Birds by Hitchcock is but a comedy in comparison.

Seltjarnarnes is basically the western tip of Reykjavik city although independently administered. Nesklubburinn golf club is found at the very tip with good panoramic views over Reykjavik and neighboring towns.

As for playing golf here contact the Nesklubbur golf club and request a tee time. The course is only a 9 hole course but not too demanding at all apart from the angry birds.