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The only victim of a soak in the Blue lagoon will be your hair. PIC The Crew

The only victim of a soak in the Blue lagoon will be your hair. PIC The Crew

I t horrifies some people to know that the water in the famous Blue lagoon in Iceland is actually waste water from a nearby power plant. Does that mean there is any danger diving in?

That´s not something you´ll read about on the lagoon´s website where just the positive sales friendly stuff is explained.

But it does give thoughtful people pause: is it completely safe for humans? Fair enough question. Industrial waste water is seldom considered the pinnacle of healthy living.

The only possible victim of a good soak in silica-rich water will be your hair

The answer is a resounding yes. At least as far as scientists know.

The silica-rich water in the Blue lagoon and also in Myvatn Nature Baths are not just safe but likely healthy too. For instance, large numbers of people suffering from psoriasis skin disease report very positive effects from regular soaks in such water. In fact, silica is an important chemical in your body and found in connective tissues, bones, teeth, skin, eyes, glands and organs. It is a major constituent of collagen which helps keep our skin elastic, and it helps calcium in maintaining bone strength.

It is also pretty safe regarding its depth. The depth here is seldom deeper than one meter or so and guards are everywhere.

The only possible victim of a good soak in silica-rich water will be your hair. Silica is stickier than Post-It notes and that´s what your hair, given that you have any, will feel like for hours and even days afterwards. Conditioner is a must after a soak and thankfully that´s found in the shower area for free.