How wonderful the view. Less so with noise pollution all around. PIC Greg Headley
Scenic flights over some of Iceland´s most precious and beautiful natural landmarks and sites could be severely curtailed and possibly totally banned in some spots in the future.
As in other sectors of the tourist industry complex here the number of companies offering scenic flights to well heeled tourists have exploded. Might make sense if you have too much money to count. Why make any effort and spend precious time when you can be whisked to and fro in a jiffy.[blockquote type=”blockquote_line” align=”right”]Noise does not belong here[/blockquote]
But the 1 per cent of those high-flying individuals are making it hard for the 99 per cent to enjoy the lovely places around. No fun enjoying Geysir, Gullfoss or Thingvellir area when noise from circling planes and helicopters drown out much of the pleasure.
Finally now, some parties have had enough. In particular those responsible for Thingvellir National Park. According to news reports those are looking to limit severely flights within the park boundaries due to noise pollution. It is not known at this moment how extensive the limit will be or if it will come to be at all but the likelihood is high this request will be granted. This is, after all, one of the holiest places in the country and a major magnet for tourists. Noise does not belong here.
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