Best theater in the world but unfortunately showtimes vary tremendously. If looking for these magnificent show in a small group it can pay to rent a car instead of taking a coach or boat out on tour. PIC Tom Olliver
These days you pay a pretty hefty price for a guided Northern Lights tour in and around the capital Reykjavik. For a quick coach trip, two to four hours, expect to fork out anywhere between 80 and 120 euros per person.
Now, there is no special trick involved. Northern Lights can show up anywhere at any time given the conditions are ripe and correct. Thus, you could in theory get better views of this stunning show in downtown Reykjavik than on top of the highest mountain in the country.[blockquote type=”blockquote_line” align=”right”]The more time you have the more likelier it is the catch a glimpse[/blockquote]
However, the main thing is to find a spot away from light pollution. In Iceland this is easy and not very hard near Reykjavik either. That is why if you are in a small group of two to four people instead of paying over 100€ for a bus trip you would be better off renting a car. That way you can stay as long as you want and keep in mind the tour buses only hang around for three hours on average before the tour is up. A small rental for a night would hardly be more than 70€ to 90€.
The more time you have the more likelier it is the catch a glimpse of these wondrous sight in the skies. On the map below we have marked four spots, blue squares, where you are reasonably far away from lights without going anywhere out of the ordinary. These are all fine places to sit back, have a snack and wait for the show. And the show must go on.
Enjoy! And fire away to us if there are any questions. The places all have easy access by road. All are within 20 minute drive and all are outside of the light pollution of the capital. All are marked also marked rather well. They are Nesjavellir, Mosfellsdalur and Krisuvik.
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