W e´d really, really like you to believe all locals in Iceland believe fervently in hidden peoples or elves as they are known abroad. It makes for such a compelling reason to visit doesn´t it?
You have probably heard about us believing with such might as to actually move roads and buildings away from planned locations simply because an elf stone happened to be in the way. Sure enough, even the largest newspapers of the world have seen reason to cover this superstition of ours.
The myth says one does not and never move an elf stone from its original place in nature else the elves will cast bad spells on those who do. Subsequently bad things happen to the people responsible. Indeed, old stories abound of ill fated adventures of those who mock such beliefs.
But one thing the foreign newspapers do not tell you and neither do tourist brochures, is the fact these elf stones are moved quite regularly. In fact, even whole elf churches get rolled around by heavy machinery as happened recently when a new road was needed in Alftanes.
Alftanes is where the official residence of the president of the country is located. This being pretty close to Reykjavik city it means the poor elves find their area limited more and more by construction. The locals need more space so the elves must take a hike.
Yet another great Iceland myth down the drain.