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Lame but important stuff about Iceland

By March 5, 2012October 11th, 2021No Comments
Banks or ATM´s are widely found all over Iceland

Banks or ATM´s are widely found all over Iceland

[reveal align=”left” title=”TAX FREE SHOPPING” ]Yup! In many stores in Iceland you can get a refund cheque after shopping for more than 4.000 kronas. Refund agencies are found in Kringland and Smaralind shopping malls and at Keflavik Airport. This can mean deep savings since the VAT tax in Iceland is most often around 25%[/reveal] [hozbreak] [reveal align=”left” title=”TO AND FROM KEFLAVIK AIRPORT” ]Two bus companies compete for your money. Stiff competition which explains why there is no price difference. Iceland Excursions & Flybus[/reveal] [hozbreak] [reveal align=”left” title=”PRICE FOR A MEAL” ]Overall restauranteers are well aware that tourists have deep pockets and price accordingly. On average you can find cheap soup and bread for around 1.000 kronas but expect to pay up to 20.000 per head in a good restaurant with wine[/reveal] [hozbreak] [reveal title=”CRIME AND PUNISHMENT” ]Sure we have crime. If you count seven homeless people stealing food and a few dozen bankers stealing everything they can get their hands on. Otherwise you are perfectly safe here.[/reveal] [hozbreak] [reveal title=”DRIVING MISS DAISY” ]Horrible is a pretty fitting word for Icelandic roads. They claim more foreign lives than anything else in this country. Never drive in the highlands without guidance and never outside of marked roads. Finally drive like Morgan Freeman and you´ll be fine.[/reveal] [hozbreak] [reveal title=”BANKING” ]Modern banking system ( in spite of horrendous bank managers for years ). Banking hours mon-fri from 9 to 16. Most foreign credit cards accepted in most places. ATM´s everywhere.[/reveal]