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Picturesque location of Bolungarvik town, in the background, where Iceland´s only Love week takes place each year. PIC bjarniT

A ll out of love and totally lost without. Yeah, we all know the feeling of being left out in the cold when most others are kissing and cuddling and doing all the other nice stuff life has to offer lovers.

Fear not. A remote fisherman´s village in the Westfjords of Iceland just might be the answer.

The village of Bolungarvik has seen better days. Much better. This tiny village has been in steady decline for decades, jobs are scarce and fun even scarcer.

A few years back the locals decided to fight back the age of dread and discomfort and one of the things they came up with was Love Week. A week for all to be extra happy and try their utmost to make love happen either between single townspeople or anyone visiting. Indeed, they at one point even promised a cash reward for anyone having a baby nine months after Love week each year.

In any case, the town is by local standards pretty picturesque squeezed between high mountains and is well worth the trip. It is also pretty much off the chart of most tourists and that is why you will be especially welcomed by townspeople if you lay down your hat here for a few days. As for the love you´ll have to play it by ear we guess.

PS:  One of the nicest people on the whole island of Iceland is Soffia Vagnsdottir who is responsible for Love week and tons of other interesting stuff. She will not be offended at all if you want to know more. Her email is

Two ways of getting here. Flying to neighboring town of Isafjordur and driving from there or driving all the way. It is a fascinating part of Iceland. The festival is held in August annually. Dates vary.

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