Vidgelmir cave is certainly not for everyone. Entrance is difficult and inside it gets tighter than a Miley Cyrus swimsuit. PIC Scott Ableman
Considering the massive numbers of local guides and tourism sites about Iceland it is quite remarkable how little information there is about the largest and most impressive cave in the country.
You might not even know about Vidgelmir cave or Víðgelmir in the local language. It is an old lava tube cave stretching for almost two kilometers under the Hallmundarhraun sea of old lava. Absolutely a must-visit place for anyone with interest for caves or cave exploring. Inside there have been found fantastic lava formations and magnificent speleothems but sadly stupid peoples have now ruined most of those wonders.
This destruction is one reason why you might not hear too much about Vidgelmir cave. But there are other reasons why Vidgelmir does not score high on the tourism sites. For one, it is a little hard to get to. Located on the borderline of the lowland and highlands not far from Hvitarsiða and access is also very limited. You will need a sturdy 4×4 vehicle. Only one party is able to escort travelers into the cave for exploring. This is the Fljotstunga farm which also offers cabins for rent should you wish to settle down for awhile. Excursions range from one hour to four hours depending on conditions and how far in people want to go. It is advisable to bring all necessary equipment and go with care.
This area is quite wonderful to relax in. Apart from Vidgelmir you also have two more large caves nearby, Stefanshellir cave and Surtshellir cave. Glaciers are not too far away and landscape made from old lava in all directions.
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