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Grabbing a taxi to or from Keflavik airport in Iceland carries a hefty price these days. PIC dk.noir

Grabbing a taxi to or from Keflavik airport in Iceland carries a hefty price these days. PIC dk.noir

[dropcap style=”one” color=”grey” text=”P” /]retty much at the same time as a fancy new tourism report about Iceland warned against locals pricing Iceland out of the tourist market the local taxi companies raise their prices*. You now have to pay around 17.000 ISK for a one-way taxi ride from Keflavik airport to Reykjavik city.

Roughly speaking that translates to 95€ / 124$ for the 50 kilometer ride for the basic sedan car.

Yup, we warned you about the Icelandic greed. It is everywhere. Not long ago a special tourist price for the same one-way drive was hovering around 9.000 ISK.

Other indecent examples of taxi pricing in Iceland would include:

> around 17.000 ISK (137$ / 105€) for a round trip from the airport to the Blue lagoon

a short trip around Reykjavik city will set you back around 8.000 ISK (50€ / 63$)

taking a taxi on the Golden Circle tour is around 56.000 ISK (460$ / 355€)

The only other option you have going to and from the airport is by coach. Remarkably the prices for a seat in one of those has also risen dramatically lately. You now fork out 1.950 ISK for a one way trip.

* In this very report it is stated explicitly that many tourists questioned the high prices of getting to and from the Keflavik airport. Needless to say, the report was made prior to the price-hikes.