The usually quiet Gunnuhver mud spring is suddenly alive with activity. PIC Kris Williams R eally like to know how amazingly wonderful Iceland is? How…
The famous Blue lagoon and in the background the energy company supplying the lagoon with its warm water. Radioactive pollution has been found in boreholes…
Ahhh what loveliness. But public information about its water and possible contamination are off limits. PIC Coleccionista de Instantes A sk any staff at the…
One of many perfectly aligned craters called Eldvorp. Soon those will be history. PIC visitreykjanes Here´s something the "official" tourist sites won´t tell you. One…
The whole landmass known as Reykjanes on which sits Iceland´s only international airport is geologically active. PIC Greg Kruk Team Total Iceland guarantees you will…