The dead Geysir in Haukadalur Iceland. According to old tales it used to spew hot water 180 metres into the air.
It is probably beyond doubt that few would travel extensively long distances in order to take a look at a tranquil pool of water. That is effectively what a number of people are doing without realizing.
That tranquil pool of water can be seen in the pic above. This is Geysir hot spring in its current state. Yes, the very same hot spring which gave its name to every such springs in the world. It is also a destination for quite a number of people not realizing Geysir has been dormant for decades. Sadly, it does not look it will revive anytime soon.
It seems many foreign visitors to Iceland do not realize Geysir hot spring is not spewing burning hot water 60 to 180 meters into the air on a regular basis as it once did. Perhaps this is due to misinformation but more likely it is disinformation. More money can be had from publicizing Geysir than others.
Then again, “Strokkur” area does not have much ring to it does it? That´s the name of the next most known hot spring in this same area and indeed the only one spewing regularly once every five to ten minutes. Without Strokkur doing all the work visits here would not be much in demand. But Strokkur, although very much worth seeing, is but a half-breed compared to the Geysir former self.
Sadly, scientist think it very unlikely Geysir will start to show life again and it has not done so since 2000 when the slightest of movement was recorded after an earthquake. But you would have to go 40 years back to see the last great eruption.
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