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It only takes a minute to get stuck in a remote town in wintertime in Iceland if the weather picks up

Q uite a few people are interested in visiting Iceland over wintertime even if most of the stunning natural pearls of this island are buried under tons of snow.

Team Total Iceland has had loads of inquires about life here in dead of winter and what visitors should expect if they show up.

Generalizing about the whole of Iceland over wintertime is not only impossible but pretty stupid too. Even if the population is small this is a pretty big country and conditions in one place do not necessarily mean the same in others.

Reykjavik city is well able to receive visitors and only rarely will the weather be too rough to travel. The same cannot be said of many smaller towns. Depending on snow and wind conditions you can easily get stuck in such a place in a heartbeat. In some cases for days on end.

However, there are also positive things going on in small towns over wintertime. Some take heart from what they see from this promotional video made for a Sony campaign a few years back. Shot in January and February in the Eastern town of Seydisfjordur and gives a little insight into life in a secluded and snow-locked little town.

Keep in mind it can snow a whole lot more than you see here. Then imagine….

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