Icelanders are no strangers to snow and have managed throughout the ages to come up with 46 different words for different kinds of snow and snowy conditions. PIC namely.
T he fine peoples of neighboring Greenland would probably laugh at the scarcity but for most others this statistic is probably pretty impressive: there are 46 different words about snow in the Icelandic language.…
Yup, we´ve probably been on our own for too long out here in middle of nowhere with little to do other than battling the elements.
Which is probably why bored locals or smart locals, depending on views, have concocted so many words for snow that it staggers the imagination. At least until we heard about our neighbors to the west for it is told the Inuits of Greenland have hundreds more words than us for the very same white stuff.
In any case, if you want to gain some traction among the locals do learn some of these below. Oh, and by the way, this list is far from complete. Just a sample 🙂
- Snjór
- Mjöll
- Lausamjöll
- Nýsnævi
- Hjálm
- Skari
- Hjarni
- Hundslappadrífa
- Áfreði
- Broti
- Kafsnjór
- Kafald
- Kafaldi
- Kafalshjastur
- Bleytuslag
- Krapi
- Blotasnjór
- Él
- Moldél
- Éljagangur
- Snjóhraglandi
- Ryk
- Skæðadrífa
- Snjókoma
- Lenjuhríð
- Hríð
- Hríðaveður
- Kastahríð
- Blotahríð
- Ofankoma
- Ofanhríð
- Fukt
- Bylur
- Kafaldsbylur
- Kafaldshríð