The Strokkur geyser erupting in Haukadalur Iceland. Entrance to this wonder is free but nearby hotel, restaurant and shops are anything but. This marvelous place is in disrepair since the private owners are too damn greedy. PIC AZAdam
Few things are must-sees when visiting Iceland. Well, actually the whole of the island is a must-see but for those only stopping for a few days the Blue lagoon, Aurora Borealis and the Golden Circle are all the craze. One major aspect of the Golden Circle tour is the Geysir area in Haukdalur where natural hot springs sprout water regularly to the amazement of onlookers.
But those very same onlookers are very much surprised by the state of this amazing place. This is, after all, the very place after which all the geysers in the world are named after.[blockquote type=”blockquote_line” align=”right”]They just pocketed the money and were never heard from again[/blockquote]
But apart from the beautiful water shows the surrounding area is almost disgusting. Litter usually everywhere, no real trails around and little warning about extremely hot water raining down. What are the locals thinking?
Well, blame it on private enterprise.
You see, this astounding and unique place in the world is partly owned by private individuals. The same individuals raking in millions upon millions for renting out spaces for shops and hotels and whatnot. But spending a dime of that money for the benefit of the main natural attraction? Nope, not a chance.
Indeed, the same landowners had the gall a few years back to start charging for entry here promising the proceeds would go to maintenance of the Geysir area. But again, nothing. They just pocketed the money and were never heard from again. Not even when Iceland´s highest court ruled the entry fee illlegal a short while ago. Return the money? Not on the agenda either.
As for the Iceland government, it seems not to have much interest in keeping natural treasures clean and neat either. And so, you would do well to wear boots if there is snow or rain when you visit Geysir.