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Of course restaurants in Iceland are also cheating you

By March 20, 2016February 17th, 2021No Comments
What kind of fish are you getting at any Iceland restaurant? Take a wild guess. PIC gourmetfoodsteps

What kind of fish are you getting at any Iceland restaurant? Take a wild guess. PIC gourmetfoodsteps

Even if Icelanders have just recently come out from under the rocks as a nation we are quicker than Usain Bolt to embrace all the “lovely” things about getting money for nothing.

It would seem a stretch, while also kinda crazy and dumb, in a fishing nation like Iceland for restaurant owners to go out of their way to serve you altogether another thing than you order from the menu. Turns out, just like elsewhere in the world, a third of restaurants in Reykjavik are guilty of serving you something cheaper or something different than what you ordered.[blockquote type=”blockquote_line” align=”right”]local authorities will not disclose the names of the cheating restaurants[/blockquote]

Team Total Iceland is not surprised. This is a place where some hotels owners fordbid guests to drink from the tap and sell you water in bottles instead without mentioning that bottled water comes straight from that same taps. This is a place with the some of the purest water on the planet but still stores here would rather import water and ice than sell you the better local stuff.

Which of course is nothing but free trade and fair competition some would say. Except the customer does not benefit at all since the foreign products are as expensive or even more so than the better local stuff. Not to mention way worse for the environment.

As always in Iceland, local authorities will not disclose the names of the cheating restaurants. Which really is the only way for customers to know since any good chef can dress almost any fish in any way. Unless folks are acutely aware of the taste difference or exact looks of one species of fish from another you´ll get cheated and never know a thing.