Such is the view over whole of Reykjavik city as well as in other towns and villages in Iceland on New Years Eve. PIC Börkur Sigurbjörnsson
Tens of thousands of visitors spend Christmas and New Years in Iceland these days and witness what is perhaps the greatest fireworks show on earth on New Years Eve. But locals themselves have gone far ahead of themselves.
In countries with the longest tradition for fireworks in the world the idea behind the custom has historically been to scare away dark spirits and demons by making light in darkness and sounds to match.
But that is not traditionally the case in Iceland which is perhaps the country with the most liberal laws on fireworks anywhere in the world. At a certain time window for about two weeks anyone can buy as much fireworks as he or she wants but one has to make sure to use those in that same window of time from Christmas until roughly the middle of January. Other times it is forbidden by law.[blockquote type=”blockquote_line” align=”right”]One is not celebrating the coming of the next one[/blockquote]
Old local customs, now mostly ignored, dictate that fireworks MUST be ignited BEFORE midnight on New Years Eve. Why? Because the idea is that you are saying farewell to the passing year and in effect shooting it down. Putting closure on the old one. One is not celebrating the coming of the next one as many believe.
Indeed, custom also dictates that by continuing the bombings after midnight you are also shooting down the new year. Which might explain why many locally have a hard time year after year 😉
Just remember, if ever you are to partake in the festivities, not to tempt fate and light your last bit in time for midnight. Would be rather depressing to know in the afterlife that your horrible luck in life was due to lighting fireworks after midnight…
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